Differences between the American and Pacific marten
Chris Stinson, Curatorial Assistant of Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum, talks about his research on the American marten and the difference between the American marten and the Pacific marten in British Columbia.
Video Transcript
My name is Christopher Stinson I'm the Curatorial Assistant of Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians as well as the Conservator for the collections. I research a mustelid called the American marten and the difference between the American marten and the Pacific marten in British Columbia.
What is your favourite research memory?
Well, I've done a lot of research in different things, I think probably my favourite research memory was working with Oregon spotted frog and finding the record-size female; she was over 200 millimetres in length, the biggest one that I've ever seen and [probably] that anybody has ever seen in BC.
What is your favourite organism?
So my favourite organism is the Pacific marten, which I study, it's the largest of the martens in North America and they're just crazy cool. Up in Haida Gwaii they'll hunt even baby deer. They're just crazy predators, crazy voracious things, and they're super cute in the first place too, so they look like little foxes.