Invertebrate and microbe biodiversity in seagrass
Emily Adamczyk, a UBC PhD student, shares her research on the biodiversity of invertebrates and microbes that live in seagrass.
Video Transcript
Hi my name is Emily Adamczyk and I am a PhD student in Mary O'Connor's lab. I research seagrass ecosystems, more specifically I look at the biodiversity of invertebrates and microbes that live in seagrass.
What is your favourite research memory?
My favourite research memory is diving in a seagrass meadow up in Calvert Island, on the central coast of British Columbia. I found it really special to be able to dive in a meadow that was covered with red algae. It created a very interesting environment and there were a lot of different invertebrates because of that algae present.
What is your favourite organism?
My favourite organism would be the nudibranch. They are marine gastropods that come in all different shapes and sizes and colours and they're really fascinating.