Category: Plants, Algae, & Fungi
The inside of a flower of the cannonball tree (Couroupita guianensis, family Lecythidaceae, from South America)
The Calm Before the Storm
Rebecca Hansen
Panthera pardus, Queen of the Savanna
Marie Toorians
From Friend to Foe
Isidora Silva-Valderrama
Research Assistants
Sophia Fan
Cannonball Tree
Quentin Cronk
Lone Rockweed Among Barnacles
Chris Harley
Finding Flowers in the Alley
Jennifer Lipka
Symmetrical Monarch
Sunny Zhang
Shoot for the Moon(wort)
Emma Menchions
The Pride Color Under the Sea
Yingyilong Hu
Majestic Mountains
Madeline Filewych
Alpine Summers
Carly Hilbert
Casting a Glimpse into Cellular Universe
David Weng
Sunshine Seeker
Jasmine Chou
Rainbow Mazzaella
Maysa Nikzad
Brian Jones
Predator in Flight
Megan Duchesne
Unidentified Synurophycean Flagellate
Vasily Zlatogursky
Human Y Chromosome
Cassandra Elphinstone
River Monster
Angelina Dichiera
The Curious Canada Jay
Milos Simovic
A Tale of Two Cities
Rory Macklin
Portrait of a Pycnogonid
Cormac Toler-Scott